Und wieder gab es eine neue Preview-Build für alle Xbox Insider, die sich im Alpha-Ring respektive Skip Ahead befinden, die ein paar weitere bekannte Fehler ausmerzte.
Zum einen gab es Fehlerbehebungen in den Gruppen. Hier konnten manche User keine Gruppen mehr hinzufügen. Weiter wurde im Bereich Meine Spiele & Apps der Fehler behoben, der bei manchen Usern die YouTube App abstürzen ließ. Auch im Bereich „Alle Spiele kopieren“ wurde ein Fehler behoben. Des Weiteren trat dort ein Fehler in der korrekten Anzeige der Spieletitel auf. Dieser Fehler wurde ebenfalls beseitigt.
Im Bereich Einstellungen wurde nun das neue Alexa Icon hinzugefügt. Zu guter Letzt wurden noch im System selbst einige Bugs behoben, damit alles etwas runder läuft.
Alle Details zur neusten Preview-Build findet ihr hier unten:
OS-Version: rs_xbox_dev_flight.180918-1900
- Groups
Fixes to resolve an error that some users were encountering when adding a Group.
- My Games & Apps
Additional fixes to ensure that users should no longer have a game/app crash if you start a new game then launch the YouTube app. Users are now also able to launch the Youtube app then launch a New game as it did crash.
Fixed an issue with network copy in which No error was shown when copying fails during “copy all”.
Fixes to correctly display the numbers of Games installed and Ready to Install tabs in the Game Pass section.
- Settings
Voice Control: Added a new Alexa icon for the assistant scenarios.
- System
Stability fixes to the graphics subsystem to help reduce app and game crashes.
Narrator fixes for Content Blocks on Home.
Fixes when Zooming in webcam too far shows jitter.
Localization fixes in this build.
Bekannte Fehler:
- Audio
We are aware that some users are experiencing issues where mics do not work. Please ensure that your controller is running the latest Firmware (Settings – Kinect & Devices – Devices & Accessories) and be sure to file feedback using the “Report a problem” tool when you experience this issue.
- Avatars
We are aware that, in some instances, Avatar limbs (feet & hands) are pointing in unexpected directions and facial hair is appearing where it should not. Please file feedback should you experience this.
It can take up to 10 seconds to view an Avatar on the profile screen after creating a new Avatar.
- My Games & Apps
We are aware that some users are experiencing crashing of a game or the Youtube app when you are either launching or resuming the Youtube app.
If you are in the Youtube app and then Resume to a Game the app/game and console may hang or crash.
- Power
We are tracking an issue in which the console is fully powering off when it is placed into Instant On mode.
- Profile Color
Sometimes users may encounter an incorrect Profile color when powering on the console.
- Virtual Keyboard
We are aware that special characters appear incorrectly when using the Virtual Keyboard.
We are aware that the recently used emoji’s/characters are not present when you launch the VK again.
We are aware that predictive text is not working correctly when using the Virtual Keyboard.
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