Ein weiteres Preview-Dashboard-Update für alle Xbox Insider, die sich im Alpha-Ring befinden, ist nun erschienen, welches neben zahlreichen Bugfixes auch ein weiteres neues Feature mit sich brachte. So werden mit der neuen Build nun die Avatare wieder auf der Startseite und anderen Bereichen des Dashboards angezeigt. Das soll aber vielmehr als Platzhalter für die neuen Avatare bieten, die schon in Kürze erscheinen sollen.
Auch Beta-Insider bekommen diese neue Build, die unter anderem auch das Feature der Netzwerkübertragung mit sich bringt. Auch hier sind alle Bugfixes enthalten, die auch die Alpha-Mitglieder mit dem heutigen Update bekommen haben. Welche Fehlerbehebungen in der neusten Preview-Build enthalten sind, lest ihr hier unten aus dem original Eintrag aus dem Preview-Forum.
OS-Version: rs3_release_xbox_dev_1710.170925-1918
Neue Features:
- Avatars on Home
See your friends represented as avatars on your Home. New blocks you’ve added, callouts for games friends are playing, and more on your Home screen will now feature today’s animated avatars.
NOTE: After gathering some great feedback, we’re going to take a little more time to test and refine the experience for the redesigned, new Xbox avatars. We’re eager to hear about your new experiences testing the placement of today’s avatars on the Home screen. We’ll take your feedback to heart as we continue working on the redesigned, new Xbox avatars, and keep you updated on the roll out.
- Party Chat
Fixed an issue which could sometimes prevent users from connecting to party chat.
- Games & Apps
Resolved an issue which sometimes caused Ready to Install content to be missing.
- Notifications
You should no longer see an excessive number of unread notifications (millions or billions) in the Guide.
- Home
Fixed an issue which sometimes caused video to crash when watching a video from the Activity Feed.
Content should now correctly display on the Mixer tab for users in Australia, New Zealand, and other Asia-Pacific regions.
- Messaging
The “Edit message text” disclaimer should no longer overlap with message text entered in the Guide.
- Sign-in
Miscellaneous fixes to resolve issues with sign-in.
Fixed an issue which sometimes caused a black screen when selecting a game from LFG.
- Guide
Fixed an issue which sometimes caused the Guide to crash when loading Recent captures.
- Profile, Clubs, and Game Hub
Resolved an issue which could sometimes prevent users from navigating between tabs in Profile, Clubs, and Game Hub.
Resolved an issue which sometimes prompted a user with a “That didn’t work” error when accessing a Club.
Bekannte Fehler:
- Games & Apps
When uninstalling or hiding content from Games & Apps, the focus may disappear, preventing you from navigating within Games & Apps. Workaround: Launch the Guide, then press B to return to Games & Apps.
Game saves may take a long time to sync. Workaround: Downloading certain game and apps (Minecraft, Netflix, Hulu, etc.) can cause this. Pause the download, then attempt to sync game saves.
- Party Chat
Voices and audio may sound distorted or garbled.
You may experience disconnects from party chat (dropping to game chat) with no notification.
- Backgrounds
Setting a background from recent achievement art does not function.
- Notifications
You may be unable to clear unread notifications in the Guide.
- Blu-Ray Player
3D Blu-Ray content may not correctly play in 3D.
- Sign-in
Text on the account and password sign-in screen in Arabic or Hebrew language may appear aligned on the left instead of the right side.
- Netflix
When using Hebrew language, Netflix fails to launch. A fix for this issue will be available soon.
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