Und wieder gab es in der letzten Nacht ein frisches Preview Update für alle Xbox Insider im Alpha-Ring. Dieses wurde abermals mit einigen Bugfixes und Verbesserungen versehen.
Zum einen dürfte der Update-Prozess im Energiesparmodus verbessert, nun sollten auch Spiele und Apps korrekt in diesem Modus automatisch aktualisiert werden. Außerdem wurde ein Audio-Fehler behoben, der in Form eines Knarzen und Ploppen auftauchte, während man zwischen Apps wählte.
Des Weiteren wurde ein Fehler behoben, der dazu führte, wenn man ein Spiel oder eine App öffnete, dass diese nicht starteten, sobald man die Option „Im Store ansehen“ wählte. Auch die ominöse Developer Education App ist nun wieder verschwunden. Auch Twitch bekam ein Update. Hier kam es vor, dass bei manchen Usern die Konsole abstürzte und neu startete, nachdem man Twitch aus dem Stand-by startete. Auch der Fehler in der Anmeldung ins Profil, wenn man sich automatisch anmeldet, sollte nun behoben sein.
Alle Informationen zur neusten Preview Build erfahrt ihr wie immer unten im Original. Das neuste Alpha-Update ist ca. 530MB groß und kann ab sofort geladen werden.
OS-Version: rs2_release_xbox_1703.170224-1901
• System Update
In Energy-Saving mode, system updates should now download and apply when shutting down if “Keep my console up to date” is enabled.
• Audio
Fixed an issue which caused an audible „pop“ when switching between apps.
• Launching Games & Apps
Fixed and issue which caused the console to crash when selecting the „See in store“ button after launching an unowned title.
• Games & Apps
The “Developer Education” app should no longer appear in Games & Apps.
• Twitch
Fixed an issue which could cause the console to crash and restart after resuming Twitch from connected standby.
• Sign-In
Resolved an issue which prevented the console from automatically signing in a profile with automatic sign-in enabled.
Bekannte Fehler:
• Xbox Accessories
• The Xbox Accessories app Device Details page may appear blank. Workaround: Update the device firmware, and view Device Details on a console not enrolled in Preview. • Copilot does not function at this time. You can disable Copilot from the power menu (hold the Xbox button on the controller) if desired.
• Cortana
- If Cortana was enabled prior to entering connected standby, you may encounter an error when resuming from connected standby.
- Cortana may take a long time to respond when activated while playing certain games.
- Scheduled Cortana reminders will not provide a notification if the user who created the reminder is signed in, but not the current active user.
- Using voice dictation sometimes causes the virtual keyboard to become unresponsive.
• Notifications
Some users may not receive certain types of notifications.
• Game Clips
After capturing a game clip, the game clip fails to automatically post to the Activity Feed (if your profile is configured to do so). Workaround: Manually view game clips in Profile > Captures > Manage captures and post to the Activity Feed.
• EA Access
The EA Access app may indicate you are not an EA Access subscriber when you are. This does not affect your ability to download or play games from the Vault, or receive discounts on EA titles.
• Screen Dimming
The screen may dim after a short amount of time while viewing videos in certain apps (Hulu Plus).
• Settings – Ease of Access
When enabling the Mono output setting in Ease of Access – Audio, Settings becomes unresponsive, crashes, and fails to launch on subsequent attempts. Workaround: To launch Settings, perform a hard reset (hold down the button on the front of the console for five seconds until it fully powers down, then power it back on).
• Settings – Display & sound
The Audio output page is under construction and some of the new settings are not yet functional. New support is planned for Dolby Atmos for home theater, Dolby Atmos for headphones, and more in upcoming builds. An announcement will be made when these new features are ready to try out; enabling these settings now will have no effect.
• Wireless Display
The Wireless Display app fails to launch and immediately crashes to Home.
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