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Xbox One Dashboard – Preview Update 1703: Das sind die bekannten Fehler der ersten Build

Xbox One Creators Update Updateprozeß

Auch der Updatestatus selbst wurde überarbeitet

Nach dem Rollout der ersten neuen Preview Build des neuen Jahres und im Rahmen des Creators Update, haben wir und natürlich Microsoft die bekannten Fehler und Informationen der neusten Build zusammengestellt. Welche das sind, könnt ihr unten aus dem Original entnehmen.

OS-Version: rs2_xbox_rel_1703.170118-1900

Neue Features:

Die ersten neuen Features des ersten Preview Updates für das Creators Update haben wir hier für euch noch einmal zusammengestellt!

Bekannte Fehler:

Controllers & accessories
When a steering wheel accessory is connected, the console interface may freeze and become unresponsive.
Workaround: Disconnect the steering wheel accessory, and hard reset the console (hold down the button on the front of the console for five seconds until it fully powers down, then power it back on).

With profile sign-in settings set to “Lock it down”, you may be unable to sign-in again playing a game, then signing out.
Workaround: Hard reset the console (hold down the button on the front of the console for five seconds until it fully powers down, then power it back on).

VUDU may fail to launch or videos may fail to play due to a connecting to network error.

You may be unable to fully navigate in certain apps due to the lack of a cursor. The affected apps include, but are not limited to: Baconit, British Radio, American Radio, UrzaGatherer, and MSN Weather.

EA Access
If you have an EA Access subscription and own a large number of digital games or apps, you may have issues installing or playing EA Access content.

Jump Guide
Microsoft Edge webpages which are pinned in the Jump Guide fail to launch the webpage.

Screen Dimming
The screen may dim after a short amount of time while viewing videos in certain apps (Hulu Plus).

Settings – Ease of Access
When enabling the Mono output setting in Ease of Access – Audio, Settings becomes unresponsive, crashes, and fails to launch on subsequent attempts.
Workaround: To launch Settings, perform a hard reset (hold down the button on the front of the console for five seconds until it fully powers down, then power it back on).

Settings – Display & sound
The Audio output page is under construction and some of the new settings are not yet functional. New support is planned for Dolby Atmos for home theater, Dolby Atmos for headphones, and more in upcoming builds. An announcement will be made when these new features are ready to try out; enabling these settings now will have no effect.

After resuming from connected standby, you may be unable to hear others in party chat when using a headset.

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