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Xbox One Dashboard – Microsoft bedient Preview-Mitglieder mit weiterem Update

Auch in dieser Woche bleiben Xbox Insider des Xbox One Preview Dashboard Programms nicht verschont und bekamen in der vergangenen Nacht ein weiteres Bugfix Update mit diversen Verbesserungen zum bevorstehendem Anniversary Update spendiert. In dieser neuen Build sind garvierende Fehler ausgehebelt und verbessert worden.

Welche Neuerugen bzw. Verbesserungen und Bugfixes im neusten Preview Update enthalten sind, lest ihr wie immer unten in den original Changelogs, die wir aus dem Preview Forum entnommen haben. Das Anniversary Update für Xbox One und für die Allgemeinheit soll gegen Ende Juli erscheinen und zahlreiche Verbesserungen und Features mit sich bringen.


OS Version: rs1_xbox_rel_1608.160624-1007


Xbox Universal Store   
• You can now Buy, Rent, and Play movies and TV shows from the Store.
• Content discounted for Xbox Live Gold subscribers should now display the correct price.
• When purchasing in-game currencies, the currencies should now always appear in-game.

Game and App Saved Data
When launching games and apps, you should no longer encounter a „We can’t save more data for this game or app“ error.

Movies & TV
When launching Movies & TV and attempting to play a video, the menu should no longer obstruct part of the screen.

This update contains several significant Cortana performance improvements and bug fixes:
Cortana now recognizes many more commands immediately (the exception is the pause and play commands which are still being worked on).
Cortana will now understand game and app launches better, however, there is a delay while Cortana announces what she is launching.
• Resolved several issues with Cortana launching into a web search rather than launching a game or app after saying “Hey Cortana, launch [game/app]”.
Cortana is now warmed up and ready when the console powers on or comes out of standby rather than after sign in.

Microsoft Edge
While playing a video, pressing the left thumbstick to enter full screen mode should no longer cause Microsoft Edge to crash.

Die gravierendsten noch bestehende Fehler:

Xbox Universal Store 
• At this time it’s not possible to redeem a 5×5 code for Xbox Live Gold on the console. Please use or another console not enrolled in the latest Xbox One update to redeem a 5×5 code for Xbox Live Gold.
• Store pages for purchased games and apps sometimes still show a “Buy” button rather than an “Install” button. If you encounter this issue, please submit feedback via Report a problem.
• The Coming Soon section is not currently available in the Store, and will be enabled in a future update.
• The Store may fail to display content when using certain language and region combinations.

OneDrive may fail to launch due to an error.

Payments and Billing
At this time it’s not possible to add, edit, or remove payment options on the console. Please use or another console not enrolled in Redstone to manage payment options.

• Users are allowed one free Gamertag change per account. After using your one free Gamertag change, you will be charged for future Gamertag changes. In the current update, while your free Gamertag change will complete successfully, attempting to purchase a Gamertag change will charge your account, but will not change your Gamertag. Please avoid purchasing a Gamertag change on Xbox One at this time. To successfully change your Gamertag, visit
• When selecting “Add new” to add a new profile, the add profile interface may take up to 30 seconds to appear.

Cortana may take a longer than expected amount of time to use the pause and play commands.
Cortana may occasionally freeze at “Warming up…” and become unresponsive.
• Sometimes Cortana reports a poor network connection, when the network connection is fine.
• Searching the Xbox Universal Store via Cortana sometimes causes her to search the same keyword multiple times.
• See-It-Say-It sometimes fails to turn on when first launching an app, but will turn on after using a voice command from within the app.

If you have pins on your Home to movies, TV shows, or music, they will disappear from Home when that app takes its new app update. The pins for the apps will stay on your Home, easy to get to.

My Games & Apps
You may encounter an error when attempting to load Ready to Install with a large number of digital games and apps.

The NowTV app may fail to launch.

Community Calendar
Links to the Store in Community Calendar event details do not currently function.



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