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Sniper Elite 3 – Erfolge eines Scharfschützen

Ende Juni erscheint endlich Sniper Elite 3 für Xbox One und Xbox 360. Viele, die sich den Titel holen werden, entscheiden sich sicherlich für die Xbox One-Version. Nicht nur weil sie grafisch schöner ist, sondern weil der Controller sich für die Feinheiten von genauen Schüssen bestens eignet.

Für alle, die sich also für die Xbox One-Version von Sniper Elite 3 entschieden haben, gibt es nun die Achievements des Titels von Publisher 505 Games.

The Gazala Gallop (10 points)
Completed Mission 1

Advantage: Sniper (10 points)
Get 30 kills from sniper nests

Wonderwall (10 points)
Completed Mission 2

Through the fire … (10 points)
Completed Mission 3

No refuge (15 points)
Completed Mission 4

In the nick of time (15 points)
Completed Mission 5

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Ratte (15 points)
Completed Mission 6

Demolition Man (20 points)
Completed Mission 7

Oscar Mike (30 points)
Relocated 100 times

Make it go boom (10 points)
Killed 20 enemies by shooting explosives

Sniping with friends (40 points)
Completed the campaign in co-op

Time to reload (20 points)
Completed the game on Cadet difficulty

Regular soldier (30 points)
Completed the game on Marksman difficulty

Hard as nails (50 points)
Completed the game on Sniper Elite difficulty

True sniper (60 points)
Completed the game on Authentic difficulty

Casual reader (10 points)
Found 50% of the war diaries

Archivist (20 points)
Found all the war diaries

The gathering (20 points)
Found all the collectible cards

Nesting instinct (20 points)
Found all the Sniper nests

A shot in the dark (40 points)
Completed all the long shots

Nothing is optional (30 points)
Completed all the optional objectives

Dedicated soldier (100 points)
Completed 100% of the campaign on any difficulty

You’ll try anything once (10 points)
Played 1 mission in each mode (campaign, challenges, competitive multiplayer)

Ghost of Tobruk (10 points)
Clear the mountain pass without alerting the enemy (Mission 1)

Well, well, well (10 points)
Hid a body in each of the wells in Gaberoun

End of the ‚lein‘ (10 points)
Find and kill the visiting General (Mission 3)

I Fort this would be difficult. (10 points)
Get to the informant without being spotted (Mission 4)

I Siwa you did there (10 points)
Make the target officer’s death look like an accident (Mission 5)

Double tap (10 points)
Incapacitated 2 vehicles in Kasserine Pass within 5 seconds

Three birds, one stone (10 points)
Destroy all 3 bomb dumps at the same time (Mission 7)

Long way down (10 points)
Throw an enemy off one of the bridges (Mission 8)

Officer material (40 points)
Attained a rank of Second Lieutenant (level 31)

Through the looking glass (10 points)
Killed 10 snipers before they see you

Hidden and dangerous (20 points)
Completed a campaign mission without being seen (excluding Tobruk)

Competitive streak (20 points)
Played 10 competitive multiplayer matches

An ode to Rube Goldberg (15 points)
Got 20 chain reaction explosive kills

Tagged (15 points)
Tagged 100 enemies or vehicles

This is my rifle … (10 points)
Customized 1 rifle

Prepared for any eventuality (10 points)
Create and save 4 loadouts

These are a few of my favourite things (15 points)
Got a kill with each offensive item

Tactical distractor (10 points)
Distracted 20 enemies with flint or rocks

Wait for it (10 points)
Killed 10 enemies with flint-triggered detonations

Double the distance (30 points)
Sniped enemies over a cumulative distance of a double marathon

Conserving oxygen (15 points)
Hold your breath for an hour

The Everyman (20 points)
Completed all the challenge missions

Highly decorated (20 points)
Earned 1 of every ribbon in competitive multiplayer

Indestructible (20 points)
Completed a mission after losing over 500 units of health

Pest Control Specialist (20 points)
Completed Mission 8

Definitely no „90-day wonder“ (20 points)
Attained a rank of Sergeant (level 11)

Geheime Achievements:

Secret Achievement (5 points)
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.


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