Kaum haben wir über diverse Bugfixes seitens des neuen Dashboard und der verbundenen Preview für Xbox One berichtet, gibt Microsoft auch schon das Final Build für alle frei.
Was es Neues im Mai-Update gibt, lest ihr hier:
New Features
- Snap and Kinect Audio Controls. We know you loved the brief view of the UI for this feature in the last wave, but it wasn’t quite ready. It’s now ready for everyone to give it a go! Adjust the volume differences between apps when you have one open in Snap, or adjust how much softer the audio is made when using Kinect for communication.
- Opt-In to help us improve Speech Recognition. We’re always looking to make Kinect Voice Recognition more accurate, and the more voices we have to fine tune our algorithms, the better it can be! As such, we’ve added an option under Settings>Privacy & Online Safety>Customizing privacy and online safety titled Share Voice Data. Setting this to “Allow” will allow us to use your voice data to make Kinect Voice Recognition better.
- Test the System Update button! Now that the System Update button is available, we hope you’ll put it to use as new updates become available in this Wave! Try it out, and let us know of any issues you run into.
Die nächste Preview für Juli steht auch schon in den Startlöchern und wartet nur, von uns getestet zu werden. Und wer weiß, vielleicht ist ja dieses Mal das lang ersehnte Feature mit dem erweiterbarem Speicher dabei?