Heute erschien das erste Preview-Update für alle Insider, die sich im neuen Skip-Ahead-Ring befinden und die neusten Redstone-5-Features für das Xbox One Dashboard testen möchten. Außerdem bekamen alle Xbox Insider, die sich im Alpha-Ring befinden, ein neues Update mit einigen Fehlerbehebungen.
Des Weiteren bekommen alle Xbox Insider, die sich im Alpha- und im Skip-Ahead-Ring befinden, ein neues Feature spendiert, das den Xbox-Game-Pass-Bereich auf das Dashboard bringt. Diese Rubrik reiht sich nun oben neben dem Store und dem Community Tab ein und ersetzt dafür den Entertainment Tab.
Außerdem sind in der neusten Alpha-Build einige Fehlerbehebungen enthalten, die ihr hier unten nochmals nachlesen könnt.
OS-Version: rs4_release_xbox_dev.180611-1920
Neue Features:
- Game Pass Tab
Preview Alpha and Alpha Skip Ahead users will notice an update to your dashboard as we test out bringing a new Xbox Game Pass tab to the Xbox Home screen, enabling easy access to the catalog. This tab does replace the Entertainment tab. We’d love your feedback as we evaluate and refine the experience. Let us know what you think!
- Apps
Fixed an issue in which some Apps would fail to launch until the console was rebooted.
- Groups
Fixed an issue where some users encountered an error when attempting to remove pins from Groups.
- Localization
Various localization fixes across the console.
- Netflix Atmos Audio/Video Sync issues:
Netflix has resolved issues with the following Atmos titles with audio lip-sync delay.
– Guardians of the Galaxy II
– Altered Carbon
– Godless
– Mudbound
– Meridian
- Store
Fixed an issue in which browsing items in the Store would cause the Store app to crash.
- System Performance
Misc. performance fixes in the platform.
- Video Broadcasting
Fixed an issue in which broadcasting was not functioning correctly for all Games and Apps.
Bekannte Fehler:
- Friends
Some users may notice that the online status of Friends is not updating correctly.
- Groups
Enabling Groups after taking the update: Groups may not appear for you on first sign in unless you do a full console reboot after taking the system update. This is being fixed in an upcoming build and should only affect having just taken this system update.
The Groups tab in My games & apps may not show after sign in even though you can access Groups in Guide, or you may see “This group does not exist” on Home on first sign-in for your existing Groups. Workaround: Sign in / out to refresh these pages.
Some changes might not be reflected when editing Groups between multiple consoles after coming out of connected standby. Sign in/out to fix.
Using special characters in Group names (e.g. &,”) causes issues during Group creation or using the “Add more” flow. Note: emojis are fine. This is being fixed in an upcoming build.
You may see issues with Groups if you frequently switch between your non-Preview console and your Preview console. Workaround: Reset your Groups locally on the Preview console through “My games & apps” > Groups, then using the “Reset groups” button at the bottom of the page to resync from the service.
- Profile Color
Sometimes users may encounter an incorrect Profile color when powering on the console.
- Networking
Work continues on the stability of the Wi-Fi connectivity. If you see any issues please report the problem for investigation by performing a Full system software via the dashboard as opposed to just pressing the Xbox Power button.
- YouTube
Some users are encountering an issue where their YouTube account is being signed out whenever they launch the app. Workaround: Uninstall/re-install the app and sign in with your account again.